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i have been hunting the web for new singers and bands for you to hear and i have come up with 10 new ones you may have not heard of before just for you if you click on there name you will go to there website where you can listen to their albums and buy them.

 so to start of with i have

jeremy berkin

he may only have one song but it is just such a good one song this singer/songwriter from Philadelphia is selling this one song at whatever price you want to pay for it.

next one is 

miracle of sound

this is a rock band that isn't to heavy for most people they have named their most recent 3 albums level 1 level 2 and level 3 so simple to remember it reminds me of a movie soundtrack kinda.

so this is our 50th post over 22 days I am happy that you keep coming back and as you may have noticed yesterday i posted saying we want to buy your old DVDs Cd's and games and game systems so to celebrate our 50th the first 50 people to sell us there DVD CD game will get 50% of when we open our store it should be open by end of next month but i will keep you up to date about this so if you are looking to make some money for your old stuff just give us an email at  or email me at we will give you a price and in the unfortunate case you don't get what you hope we can maybe give you something special from our store so its a win win situation for you no matter what if you would just like to ask for more details just email us but i can assure you we will give you better than the high street will give you.

as we are based in the UK this it would be stupid for us to buy or even for you to sell us if anyone not living in the UK as after shipping fees and what not you won't be making any money properly so be cautious if you do want to sell us your stuff and you're from outside the UK we will try and work something out so you can make some money out of it but don't worry as soon as the store opens we will ship to USA and some other countries in the world but more on that when we open but i would like to say it will take longer than a few months for us to open worldwide as the differences in regions of DVDs unless you have a region 2 DVD player and you live outside the UK you will be able to use our shop.

you may have noticed a link up there ^^ for shop it is shut the now you can click it but it will just say we are closed due to stock filling and that's what we are doing

so this is a bye from me for the now.

to enter our competition click here.

if you watch Britain's got talent you should know that it won't be on tonight due to football but will be back on tomorrow and the semi finals start Monday until 1st of June so its a whole week of it well except Wednesday as football will be on then too my views and opinions will be posted the day after it airs with exception of final more or likely so all this week i will be talking about it posting videos of it to show people from outside the UK what's happing here on it so i hope you enjoy this week but don't worry if you don't like BGT i shall still post at least once a day so there is something for everyone here so i hope you enjoy that too and just so you know our competition is still open so go check it out its really simple all you need to do is email us or me and you shall win something there is 30 main prizes and 2 special ones so go and have a look here that link will open a new window so be sure to keep this one open as the contact form isn't working you will have to email us at or email me at

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