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so this will be a blog, well that is obvious. but anyway its my first blog so please be nice or cruel i don't mind i can handle a lot i will enable comments so you can say what ever you want but the main thing i want this blog to be about is me (Bryan) and Declan will be honest of any song, TV show or movie we watched recently as we both watch a hell of a lot you can also name a song and that if you want which ever one you want to and we or one of us will post something about it you may pick who does it. And just to put a little end to this i make this for me and friends if anyone else reads it i will be happy to know and if you want any changes to the blog just say and we (me and Deccan) will see if we want to  but its the comments that count.

So the first thing i would like to make a comment about is scrubs for 8 seasons it was a great show but the 9th looked crap as so i didn't even watch it i have seen bits of it but not liked it, if i had to pick a favourite character it would be Jordon or Laverne. i think Jordon is just so funny and the way she is just honest it reminds me of me she just doesn't care who she hurts. And Laverne is just so funny she is so nosey an has always got to put her ears in and listen to what ever is happening around her and the best gossiper in the hospital. 

If you haven't seen it i would definitely recommend it to anyone of any age. for a rating of scrubs out of  10 i would give it a 7.5 mostly because the last season and 1 or 2 episodes may not have been good but that s what i think and its why you or anyone reads this.

I hope this is long enough for a first post. just say what you like and don't like.

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